Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What is Useless Radio?

I have always wanted to do a podcast, but I do not have any of the equipment, the fundage to get the equipment, the knowledge to figure it out myself, or really anything useful to say, so I came up with this as a compromise. Today there are several podcasts out there on the information super highway, like Ham Radio, where people pretty much create their own radio stations by talking and introducing music and that is something I am interested in trying in the future. I believe I have a wide taste in music, I discover new music constantly and I would love to share some of it with the world. As far is this blog goes it will be in the same vein just written instead of spoken. Hopefully I will have time at least once a week to do something on here, like create a new playlist or talk about a new CD or band I have discovered. Stay tuned.

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